Folklore, food, fashion and fun! And other words that start with F.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

It is arguable that writing a blog is not really the best use of my time. But whatever, everyone else has one.

I'm basically in a gorge right now. No, don't call emergency services, it's a metaphorical gorge. You see, for eight months I lived in the center of the universe (London, duh) and as you might expect, that didn't suck. I started this blog partly to tell stories about London. Hell, I wrote half a novel just to tell stories about London (that may not have been the best use of my time, either, but whatever, everyone else has written half a novel). London was one side of the gorge. Now I am in the middle of the gorge, which is Oklahoma City. My hometown. Frankly, there are a lot of bomb-ass awesome things about being here. Namely, my adorable dogs (get ready to see more pictures than you were really interested in seeing! And also my Mom, who has much cooler taste in music and movies than I do, and is the only person in my life who I don't worry secretly hates me. Shout out to my Mommy for watching Doctor Who with me the other day. That, ladies and gents is how you parent your 27 year old child.

But now the time has come for me to scale the other side of the gorge, and it is looking pretty steep. In just about two weeks, I will go to New York City to try and capitalize on all of the internships I did in London. Maybe it will be the best decision I've ever made. Maybe I will die in a gutter. Life is unpredictable. So I'm starting a blog to chronicle this point in my life in hopes that future me can look back fondly at it and think "Man, if she only knew how much fun she was about to have, she would not have been so scared." And also to chronicle the days when I have good hair. Too often it goes unnoticed.

Oh right, here's a puppy picture. First of many.


  1. 1. Moms rock.
    2. Love the background
    3. Love the pup
    4. I like what you have to say.
    I look forward to your adventures.
    Although the gutter thing disturbs me.
